Again, two teams of eleven players user their body to control the ball to pass the opponents goal line. Soccer is played dominantly with the feet, but can be controlled by other parts of the body like knees, chest, and head. They can use any part of their body by their arms and hands. If they do use the hands, a foul is called the other team gets control of the situation. They only people who are allowed to use their hands are the goalkeepers.
Many soccer games are played on football fields. They are set up the same way except instead of having a huge goal post, they use two goal nets (much like hockey). The games are in quarters that are times. There are four quarters per game and a half time. Usually there are only a minute or two pauses between quarters and the half time is much longer. Soccer games usually do not take as much time as soccer, because there are fewer rules to soccer.
Football is a complicated sport that has flags and penalties for, what seems everything. In soccer, penalties are called but mostly for being offsides or out of bounds. Sportsmanship is a problem in both sports. The two sports are very competitive and can be frustrating to the players. Even though you are not allowed to tackle a player purposely in soccer, some players do tend to collide and when they do, they hit hard.
Soccer and football are much alike in some aspects, but are completely different in others. Either way you look at it, the two sports are just as aggressive and competitive and can be very enjoyable to watch and play.
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