In order to choose the right bike, you must consider what kind of riding you plan on doing and what kind of budget you intend to spend. Prices range about $150 to many hundreds of dollars. The lower priced ones are generally the type of quality you would expect to get at a chain discount store and are suitable for a beginner. Expect to find lots of colors and models on display as well as professional and beginner quality to choose from.
You may have to do a lot shopping to find the bike that best fits you. There are lots of different models to choose from, make sure you try them out to find the one that feels best to YOU. Many people are drawn to the colors of certain model bikes and that can be a mistake. Unfortunately not all bikes are available in the same colors so the color you love may be the wrong length bike for your body or riding style. Every rider is different and one bike size or style is not intended to fit all riders, so try them out before buying.
If you're thinking, "oh I don't know bike riding doesn't sound like all that much fun"...Mountain biking will change your mind really quick. Unlike the street bike that you had as a kid or your old ten speed locked in your shed, mountain bikes can go just about anywhere. My kids have fun making their own paths when we are out on a bike trail and I have fun trying to keep up!
If get or staying in shape is on your agenda, mountain bike riding is a great choice of exercise. Not only will you be burning up calories, you'll be taking in lots of fresh air and I'll bet you'll even get to enjoy some great sites. Whether you go out for a short ride with the kids or a day long trek, your body will repay you with improved strength and muscle tone.
Going through the daily stresses of life can certainly take its toll out on body and mind. Grabbing your bike and hitting the trails is a wonderful way to get rid of the every day stress. The more you pedal the more you will feel the stress leaving your body. I guess that why bike clubs are becoming so popular. Check your local classifieds to see if there is a group in your area or maybe you can ask co workers if they would like to form a mountain bike group.
So now that you're ready to try mountain biking, where do you go to buy a bike? You can start in department stores but you'll quickly see that the quality is fitting with the prices of these bikes. Sporting goods stores will usually be a grade above department store but for the Mecca of bike shoppers, check out your area bike specialty store. These stores have salespeople that are riders and will do a fantastic job of helping you pick out the right bike for your needs. Wherever you decide to buy one don't let it just sit in your garage. You can't have fun mountain bike riding if you don't get out there and use it!
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Jess Pruitt - About the Author:
For tips on ibuprofen for dogs and holidays with dogs, visit the Dog Illness website
For tips on ibuprofen for dogs and holidays with dogs, visit the Dog Illness website
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/to-get-great-exercise-and-relaxation-look-to-mountain-biking-2415181.html#ixzz15Uu4Fnnt
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